VASSALINI, Ida. Verona 1.11.1891 — Milano 21.12.1953. Italian Poet and Translator. Daughter of Bartolomeo V. and Itala Abati, grew up in Verona. Became early interested in classical and oriental philology, in philosophy and poetry. Studies at Padova and Milano. Worked as teacher in Milano. Refused from joining the fascist association and almost lost her position. After the war living in Verona. She spent ten years in translating the Gītā, in last years worked on the Dhammapada. Active in cultural, pacifist, feminist and international organizations.
Publications: Translated: Tagore: Nazionalismo. 139 p. Lanciano 1923.
– Transl. Bhagavadgita (Il canto del Beato). Traduzione in esametri dal sanscrito. 138 p. Bari 1943.
– Books not related with India.
Sources: E. Zampini, “Solo l’ideale è vero: la voce ritrovata di Ida Vassalini”, Bollettino della Società Letteraria 2012, 183-202; Wikipedia with photo and further references.