WEINFURTER, Karel. Jičin, region Hradec Králové 27.5.1867 — Prague 14.3.1942. Czech Author and Translator. Son of Karel W. and his wife Antonia, the family moved to Prague in 1880. A Christian mystic interested in Yoga, Theosophy, astrology, etc. Apparently his Indian translations were made from English and German versions.
Publications: Divy a kouzla indických fakirů: Studie o fakirismu a jogismu. 1913, new ed. 222 p. Prague 1947.
– Transl. Swami Vivékánanda: Budoucnost duchovního člověka. 1919; Karma Yoga. 1920; Radža Joga čili ovládnutí vnitřní podstaty. 1924.
– Transl. Patandžaliho výroky o Jogu. Prague 1925; Svami Svatmaram: Lampa k Hatha-Jógu. Prague 1936.
– Translated Bhagavad Gita. 1926, 2nd edition 404 p. Prague 1935.
– Mistr Ramakrišna Jeho učení a mystické zkušenosti. 1-2. Prague 1933.
– A number of books, mainly on mysticism, in Czech, also a few in German, translated into Czech Meister Eckhart, Blavatsky, Brunton, etc.
Sources: German Wikipedia (more details in *Czech version) with photo.