COULSON, Michael. 1936 — 1975. British Indologist. Educated at St.Paul’s School in London, studies at Trinity College, Oxford. D.Phil. 1966 Oxford. Then in 196?-72 Lecturer and Head of Sanskrit Department at University of Edinburgh. Paul Dundas was his student.

Publications: Diss. manuscript 1966, publ. as A critical edition of the Mālatīmādhava. Ed. by R. Sinclair. 61+280 p. Delhi 1989.

Sanskrit. An Introduction to the Classical Language. 513 p. Teach Yourself Books. L. 1976.

Translated: Three Sanskrit Plays. Śakuntalā, Mālatīmādhava, Mudrārākṣasa. 429 p. Harmondsworth 1981.

Edited & transl. Rákshasa’s Ring by Vishákha-Datta. 185 p. Clay Sanskrit Library. N.Y. 2005.

Sources: Short note by De Jong, IIJ 21, 1979, 67; not in the Who Was Who.