FEIST, Samuel Sigmund. Mainz 12.6.1865 — Copenhagen 23.3.1943. German IE Linguist and Pedagogue. Son of David F. and Juliana Marx. Ph.D. Director of the Reichenheim Orphanage in Berlin, 1906-35. In 1939 emigrated as Jew to Denmark and died there, the widow and daughters escaped to the U.S.A. Married Antonie (Toni) Rawicz (1880-1952), two daughters. He was more a Germanist than Indo-Europeanist and created the Germanic substrate theory in 1932.

Publications: Works on Gothic; works on Jewish history and ethnicity.

Europe im Lichte der Vorgeschichte und die Ergebnisse der vergleichenden indogermenaischen Sprachwissenschaft. 70 p. B. 1910; Kultur, Ausbreitung und Herkunft der Indogermanen. 12+573 p. B. 1913; Indogermanen und Germanen, ein Beitrag zur europäischen Urgeschichtsforschung. 8+156 p. Halle 1924; “The Origin of the Germanic Languages and the Indo-Europeanising of North Europe”, Language 8, 1932, 245-254.

– “Der gegenwärtige Stand des Tocharerproblems”, OstasZ 8, 1919-20, 74-84

Sources: *R. Römer, Muttersprache 91, 1981, 249-308 & 103, 1993, 28-40; Wikipedia; geni.com