GEORGAKAS, Demetrios Ioannes (Δημήτριος Ιωάννης Γεωργακάς; Demetrius John Georgacas). Siderokastro 13.1.1908 — Grand Forks, ND 7.2.1990. Greek Linguist and Classical Scholar in Germany and the U.S.A. Born in Greek Macedonia. Studied Greek literature at Athens in 1826-31, 1934-46 worked as compiler at Greek Academy. From 1938 further studies at Berlin and completed Ph.D. in IE and Classics in 1942. In 1943-44 Assistant of Indology at Berlin. Moved to the U.S.A. in 1947, in 1948 taught Greek at University of Chicago, 1949-51 Biblical languages at McCornick Theological Seminary, Chicago, and 1953-59 IE linguistics at University of Utah. In 1959-78 Professor of Linguistics at University of North Dakota in Grand Forks.

Publications: Diss. “Beiträge zur Deutung als slavisch erklärter Ortsnamen”, ByzZ 41, 1941, 351-381 & 41, 1942, 384-419 (in Peloponnesus).

Mainly wrote on ancient and modern Greek, e.g. on place names and ancient natural terms; altogether 15 books and c. 200 articles.

– “The name ‘Asia’ for the continent: its history and origin”, Names 17, 1969, 1-90.

Sources: Framke in Framke et al. 2014, 108f.; Z. Stavroula, Lexicon Grammaticorum. 2009, 525f.;