ACQUAVIVA, Rodolfo. Atri, Abruzzi 2.10.1550 — Cocalin (Cuncolim), Goa 15.7.1583. S.J. Italian Missionary in India. Of high birth: nephew of a Jesuit general, brother of two future cardinals, son of Giangirolamo A., the Duke of Atri. Joined S.J. 1568, educated in Rome. Selected to missionary work and ordained as a priest before he left Lisbon for Goa in 1578 (together with others, i.a. Mateo Ricci). In 1580-83 with two other Jesuits (Henriquez and Monserrate) at Mughal court in Fatehpur-Sikri. In 1583 he became the head of Goan missions, but was soon murdered by Hindus, who rebelled against the suppression of their religion. Beatified in 1893.
Publications: Wrote an account of his visit to Akbar, apparently publ. in D. Bartoli, Missione al Gran Mogor del P. R. A. Roma 1653 – in the 1714 ed. the name is written as Rudolfo Aquaviva.
Sources: Koch, Jesuitenlexikon; P. Pirri, D.B.I. 1, 183f.; *Maclagan, The Jesuits and the Great Mogul. L. 1932; Wikipedia.