FRENKIAN, Aram. Constanţa 19.3.1898 — Bucharest 10.9.1968. Romanian Classical (Greek) Scholar interested in Indology. Son of Armenian refugees. Studies of Greek, linguistics and Sanskrit in Paris in the 1920s under Meillet, Bloch, Finot et al., also philosophy under Bréhier. Ph.D. 1931 Bucharest.Professor of Greek at Universities of Cernauti and Bucureşti. Never taught Sanskrit. Interested in Greek and Indian philosophy.

Publications: Diss. Cosmologia lui Heraclit din Efes. 1931

– “Puruṣa–Gayomard–Anthropos. Quelques problèmes concernant la communaité indo-iranienne et la Grèce antique”, REIE 3, 1943, 118-131.

– “Punarmṛtyu et la seconde mort”, REIE 1943.

– L’Orient et les origines de l’idéalisme subjectif dans la pensée européenne. 1. La Doctrine théologique de Memphis (L’Inscription du roi Shabaka). 167 p. P. 1946.

– “La théorie du sommeil d’après les Upaniṣads et le Yoga”, St&AO 1, 1957, 149-162

Scepticismul grec şi filozofia indianŭ. 74 p. Bucureşti 1957; German transl.: Bibliotheca classica orientalis 3, B. 1958, 212-249.

– “Sextus Empiricus and Indian Logic”, The Philosophical quarterly (Amalner) 30, 1957, 115-126; “Where there is Smoke, there is Fire”, Acta Logica 4, 1961, 65-68

Luna Homericǎ. (The World of Homer), and studies on Presocratic philosophy, etc.

Sources: V. Banateanu; C. Poghirc, “Sanskrit Studies in Romania”; S. N. Ionescu, Who Was Who in 20th Century Romania. N.Y. 1994; *Romanian Wikipedia.