SLATER, Robert Henry Lawson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 8.2.1896 — 24.12.1984. Rev. British Buddhist Scholar in North America. Son of Harold Slater and Jane Lawson. Grew up in Yorkshire. Lost early his parents and worked as reporter in Newcastle. From 1919 studies of Theology at Emmanuel College (B.A. 1922), Cambridge, then at Jesus College 1922-24. As a student active Socialist. After ordination (1925) curate in Newcastle. M.A. 1929 Cambridge. In 1929-35 chaplain and Lecturer in Philosophy at Rangoon University, 1936-38 senior chaplain at Rangoon cathedral, 1938-40 garrison chaplain in Raymyo, 1941-46 senior chaplain to British forces in Burma, Ceylon and India. Now moved to the U.S.A., 1946-47 Lecturer in History of Religions at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Ph.D. 1948 Columbia University. In 1948-50 Dean of Theology at Hurin College in London, Ontario. From 1950 taught Religion at McGill University in Canada, then 1958-64 Professor of World Religions at Harvard. Specialist of Burmese Buddhism. Married 1929 Alys Simpson, two sons.
Publications: Wrote on Theravāda Buddhism and Burma.
– Paradox and Nirvana. A Study of Religious Ultimates with Special Reference to Burmese Buddhism. 8+145 p. Chicago 1951.
– Can Christians Learn from Other Religions? 94 p. 1963.
Sources: *Bulletin of the Center for the Study of World Religions (Harvard) 1984, 1-7; G.H. Williams, First Light. The Formation of Harvard College in 1636 and Evolution of a Republic of Letters in Cambridge. 2nd ed. 2014, 413ff. (only pp. 413 & 415 shown by Google);; photo in