ALMEIDA, Miguel de. Govea, Beira 1607 — Salsette 17.9.1683 / Rachol 17.9.1687. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India. Came to Goa and joined the S.J. in 1623 or 1624. Worked as rector in Goa, rose into the office of Provincial. He was the first to use the name Konkani of the local language.

Publications: Revised the unpublished Diccionario da lingua Canarina (i.e. Konkani) of Pereira.

Wrote a great collection of sermons in Konkani (Jardim de Pastores) in 5 vols., printed in Goa 1658-59.

Sources: Sommervogel 1; ManoharRai SarDessai, A History of Konkani Literature (from 1500 to 1992). Delhi 2000, 58-60.