SWANSON, Donald Carl Eugene. St.Paul, Minnesota 18.11.1914 — 12.4.1976. U.S. Linguist. Studies at University of Minnesota (B.A. 1936, M.A. 1939, in Classics). M.A. and Ph.D. 1941 Princeton University. After one year as Instructor of Classics at University of Colorado worked for U.S. Navy and U.S. Armed Forces Language Unit, 1943-45. From 1946 Instructor of Classics at University of Minnesota, 1949 Assistant Professor, 1952 Associate Professor and 1959 Professor.
Publications: Diss. The Greek and Sanskrit written accent. Manuscript of 56 p. 1941.
– An English-Sanskrit glossary. 7+81 p. Minneapolis 1957.
– Wrote on Modern Greek, 1959, on Lucretius, 1962, other Latin studies, etc.
Sources: https://archives.lib.umn.edu/repositories/14/resources/1722.