GOETZ, Hermann. Karlsruhe 17.7.1898 — Heidelberg 8.7.1976. German Art Historian, long time in India. Son of Hermann G. (1848–1901), an artist and director of Badische Landeskunst­schule. Gymnasium in Munich. Studies of art history at Munich. Ph.D. 1923 Munich. In 1926-31 in Berlin, then 1931-36 at Kern Institute in Leiden as curator and editor of the ABIA, continuing his studies under Vogel. In 1936 he went to India as he could not get permanent position in the Netherlands and worked 1936-38 as newspaper correspondent. He was a determined adversary of the German Nazi regime. In 1939-40 he served the A.S.I. in Chamba, but as a German was interned in 1940-43. In 1943-53 Director of Museum and Picture Gallery in Baroda, 1948/49/51-1952/53 (different accounts!) also Professor at Maharajo Satyaji Rao University. After retiring, in 1953-55 Curator of National Gallery of Modern Art in New Delhi, in 1955-57 visited Europe for health problems, organized exhibitions of Indian art. In 1958-61 Organizer in Maharaja Fateh Singh Museum in Baroda, then returned to Europe. He taught at Heidelberg University as Lehr­beauftragter für indische Kunstgeschichte in 1962-66, and from 1966 as Hon. Professor. In 1961-76 the founder and first director of Südasien-Institut there. Married Annemarie.

Goetz was a specialist of Indian art history, especially of miniature painting, who was also interested in cultural exchange between India and the West. Originally he was interested in Osman Turkish art, but this soon led him to Mughal India (the Jahāngīr Album in Berlin). In India also turned to the ancient period. During long years in India he fell somewhat behind with the development of scholarship in the West. He also knew the pertinent languages. Among his students was H. Kulke.

Publications: Diss. Die Hoftrachten des Grossmoghul-Reiches. Ein Versuch ihrer Chronologie und Geschichte auf Grund der indischen Miniatures. Specimen in 1923, full manuscript publ in 118 p. Munich 1928 (also a summary “Kostüm und Mode an den indischen Fürstenhöfen in der Grossmoghul-Zeit”, Jahrbuch der Asiatischen Kunst 1, 1924, 67-101).

– “Studien zur Rajput/Malerei”, OstasZ 10, 1922-23, 45-59, 7 ill.

With E. Kühnel: Indische Buchmalereien aus dem Jahāngīr-Album der Staats­bibliothek zu Berlin. 11+63 p. 43 pl. Buchkunst des Orients 2. B. 1924 (& in English).

With R. Ilse-Munk: Gedichte aus der indische Liebesmystik des Mittelalters (Krishna und Radha). 25+177 p. 12 pl. Lp. 1925 (transl. from Hindī).

Epochen der indischen Kultur. 12+602 p. Lp. 1929; Bilderatlas zur Kultur­geschichte Indiens in der Grossmoghul-Zeit. 7+79 p. 48 pl. B. 1930; The crisis of Indian civilization in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Calcutta 1938

Geschichte der indischen Miniaturmalerei. 3+57 p. 16 pl. B. & Lp. 1934.

Art and Architecture of Bikaner State. 180 p. 95 fig. 10 pl. Oxford 1950.

Handbook of the Collections, Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery. Baroda 1952, 3rd ed. 61 p. 45 pl. B. 2004.

The early wooden temples of Chamba. 121 p. 16 pl. Mem. of Kern Inst. 1. Ld. 1955; Indian and Persian Miniatures in the Rijkspentenkabinet. 1958 (?).

Indien. Fünf Tausend Jahre Indischer Kunst. 270 p. 68 ill. Baden-Baden 1959 (also in English).

Geschichte Indiens. 221 p. Stuttgart 1962; Der indische Subkontinent. 1-2. Informationen zur Politischen Bildung 112. Wb. 1965.

With Anselm Jaenicke, Māmallapuram und die Welt der südindischen Kunst. 25 p. 85 pl. Krefeld 1965.

Mira Bai. Her Life and Times. 45 p. Bombay 1966.

With U. Günzert: Südost-Asien: Geschichte und Gegenwart. Informationen zur Politischen Bildung 144. 1971.

A great number of articles, and three collective volumes:

Studies in the history and art of Kashmir and the Indian Himalaya. 197 p. 49 pl. Wb. 1969; Studies in the history, religion and art of classical and medieval India. 180 p. 31 pl. Schriftenr. des Südasien-Inst. der Univ. Heidelberg 16. Wb. 1974.

Rajput art and architecture. Edited by J. Jain and J. Jain-Neubauer. 250 p. 60 pl. Schriftenr. des Südasien-Inst. der Univ. Heidelberg 26. Wb. 1978.

Sources: Briefly in German Scholars on India. 1, 1973, 416f.; D.G.K. 1970; *J. Deppert (ed.), India and the West. Proceedings of a seminar dedicated to the memory of Hermann Goetz. N.D. 1983 (with photo and life by H. Kulke); *Kalakusumanjali: Reflection on Indian art and culture. 391 p. Museum Bulletin 28, Special Issue. Baroda 1987; K. Jettmar, E&W 26, 1976, 539ff.; R. N. Mehta, JOIB 26:1, 1976, 112f.; *H. Rau in Goetz 1978, 63-68; Stache-Rosen 1990, 229f.; Wikipedia (also German version); photo in Rau 126.