GRAMMONT, Maurice. Damprichard (Doubs) 15.4.1866 — Montpellier 17.10.1946. French IE and General Linguist, Psycholinguist and Phonetician. Studies at Freiburg (Thurneysen), Berlin (J. Schmidt) and Paris (Bréal, de Saussure). Ph.D. 1895 Paris. Maître de conferences at Faculté de Dijon (1892-95), then in 1895-1939 Professor of Comparative Linguistics at Faculté de Montpellier. Also as a phonetician, but he kept diachronic view concentrating on the evolution of language.

Publications: Diss. La dissimilation consonantique dans les langues indo-européens et les langues romanes. 215 p. Dijon 1895; diss. II De liquidis sonantibus indagationes aliquot. 63 p. Dijon 1895

– “La métathèse en Pâli”, Mélanges Lévi 1911, 65-78.

With Lê Quang Trinh: “Études sur la langue annamite”, MSL 17, 1912, 86 p.

Traité de phonetique. 12+480 p. P. 1933, 5th ed. 1956; much on French and phonetics.

Sources: D. Baggioni, Lex. gramm. 1996, 361; P. H. Blémont, D.B.F. 16, 1985, 915; *A.-M. Frýba-Reber, Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 2, 1999, 139-153; B. Malmberg, *Studia Linguistica 1, 1947, 52-55 (republ. in Sebeok 1966:2, 249-252); English, French and German Wikipedia with further references.