ATKINS, Samuel De Coster. Madison, N.J. 25.10.1910 — Pomona, Calif. 20.3.2002. U.S. Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor at Princeton University. Studies at Princeton: A.B. 1931, A.M. 1932, Ph.D. 1935. In 1935-37 Assistant at Baylor, then at Princeton: Instructor in Classics and Sanskrit 1937-41, Assistant Professor of Classics and Sanskrit 1941-48 (1942-46 U.S.N.R.), Associate Professor 1948-58, and 1958-78 full Professor of Classics and Sanskrit. Chairman of the Department of Classics at Princeton in 1961-72. In 1978 emeritus.
Publications: Diss. 1935 publ. as Pūṣan in the Rigveda. 14+102 p. Princeton 1941.
– “A Vedic Hymn to the the Sun-God Sūrya (Translation and Exegesis of Rigveda 1, 115)”, JAOS 58, 1938, 419-434; “The Meaning of Vedic aktú”, JAOS 70, 1950, 24-40; “RV 2, 38: A Problem Hymn”, JAOS 81, 1961, 77-86; “The Meaning of Vedic pā́jas”, JAOS 85, 1965, 9-22.
– “Pūṣan in the Sāma-, Yajur-, and Atharvaveda”, JAOS 67, 1947, 274-295; “The RV dyaús Paradigm and the Sievers-Edgerton Law”, JAOS 88, 1968, 679-709.
Sources: Dir. Am. Scholars 1st ed. 1942; 3rd ed. 1957; 5th ed. vol. 3, 1969; 8th ed. vol. 3, 1982.