BERNOT, Lucien. Gien (Loiret) 2.12.1919 — Brantes (Vaucluse) 14.7.1993. French Anthropologist. Grew up in country, from the age of 14 worked as typographist. After WW II studied Chinese at É.L.O.V., then ethnography and Tibetan at É.P.H.É. In 1947-64 research scholar in C.N.R.S. In 1961-64 also chargé de conférences, 1964-78 directeur d’études at É.P.H.É. Ph.D. 1965. In 1978-85 Professor of “Sociographie de l’Asie du Sud-Est” at Collège de France. Early fieldwork in France, then 1951-52 and 1959-60 in the Chittagong Hills in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Married Denise Bernot (1922–2016), a Burmese scholar, with whom he collaborated.
Publications: Diss. publ. Les paysans arakanais du Pakistan oriental; l’histoire, le monde végétal et l’organisation sociale des réfugiés Marma. 793 p. P. 1967.
– With D. Bernot: Les Khyang des Collines de Chittagong, matériaux pour l’étude linguistique des Chin. 148 p. L’Homme N.S. 3. P. 1958 (Khyang = Southern Chin).
– Les Cak, contribution à l’étude ethnographique d’une population de langue loi. 267 p. P. 1967; a few further works.
Sources: French Wikipédia.