IMPEY, Elijah George Halhed. Cawnpore (Kanpur) 21.9.1818 — Southampton 19.11.1868. British Physician in India. Son of Elijah Impey (1781–1821, from Ireland, not the famous judge in India Sir E.I. [1732–1809], but probably related) and Marian Bunn. From 1840 in Bombay Medical Service. Surgeon-Major of Bombay Horse Artillery, in 1856-68 Postmaster-General of Bombay Presidency. Married 1843 Jane Anne Riddell (1821–1859), four daughters and one son.

Publications: “Description of a colossal Jain figure nearly 80 feet high, discovered on a spur of the Satpurah Range”, JASB 18:2, 1849, 918-953.

On Buddhist caves, JBRAS 5:2, 1854, 336-349 & 5:3, 543-574.

Sources: Dates in, death also in the London Gazette 22.3.1870 (; but E. Cotton (“Indian Medical Service”, Bengal Past and Present 41) states that his father was Dr. James Impey [poor scan in leaves reference uncertain! See].