MØLLER-KRISTENSEN, Frede. Nr. Herlev 6.1.1933 — 21.2.2003. Danish Indologist. Daughter of Kristian Møller-Kr. and Anna Graversen. M.A. 1960 Copenhagen. She contributed to the C.P.D. in the 1950s and was its editor in the 1960s. In 1966-72 also lecturer in Pāli at Copenhagen University. Then Director of Oriental Department of Kongelige Bibliotek 1969-87. She was dismissed because of alcoholism. After her death (of cancer) it came out that she had stolen more than 3000 valuable old books from the library. Luckily, the majority of them were recovered. Partner Lissi Marie Ulrik Jensen.
Publications: “Indische Religionen (Vedareligionen, Hinduismus, Buddhismus, Jainismus)”, J. P. Asmussen, Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte. 2. Göttingen 1971, 373-506.
– Tekster til buddhismen. 104 p. Copenhagen 1980.
– With K. O. Krogh, Hinduismen. 70 p. Copenhagen 1981, also in Norwegian.
– Articles on Buddhism; chapters on Indian literature in Verdens Litteratur Historie (1971ff.) and on Indian religions in Illustreret Religionshistorie (1968).
Sources: Pauly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 562f.; *L. Korsgaard, Det store bogtyveri. Copenhagen 2005; tommym.dk; Danish Wikipedia; English Wikipedia as “Great book theft”.