STOKES, Eric Thomas. Hampstead, London 10.7.1924 — 5.2.1981.  British Historian of South Asia. Son of Walter John Stokes and his wife Winifred. Educated in London and during early war in Towcester, Northamptonshire. From 1941 studies at Cambridge (Christ’s College). Two years 1944-46 of war service in Indian Mounted Artillery, then back to Cambridge. Ph.D. 1952 (under Spear). From 1950-54 Lecturer at University of Malaya in Singapore, 1955-56 at Bristol. From 1957-63 Professor at University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in Salisbury (now Harare), then University Lecturer in Colonial Studies at Cambridge. In 1970-81 Smuts Professor of History of the British Commonwealth at Cambridge, from 1977 also Chairman of History Faculty. Hon. D.Litt. 1977 Mysore, Fellow of British Academy 1980. Married 1949 Florence Mary Lee, four daughters. Died of lung cancer (although not a smoker).

As a scholar his main interest lied in British colonial period in India and in its agrarian history. He was popular teacher who had many South Asian students. In Africa he openly criticised Racist policy (and was under police surveillance).

Publications: Rev. diss. publ. as The English utilitarians and India. 16+350 p. Oxford 1959.

The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and Peasant Rebellion in Colonial India. 8+308 p. Cambr. South Asian St. 23. Cambridge 1978 (12 papers).

The peasant armed: the Indian revolt of 1857. 16+261 p. Oxford 1986.

– Also wrote much on African history.

Sources: C.A. Bayly, Proc. Br. Acad. 97, 1998, 467-498 with photo and *Oxford D.N.B. 2004;  Wikipedia (omitting career concentrates on his work).