GALTON, Herbert (until 1947 H. Goldstaub). Vienna 1.10.1917 — Vienna 9.12.2004. Austrian Linguist in the U.K. and U.S.A. Born of Polish Jewish parents from Lemberg (L’viv). School and from 1935 studies at Vienna (Slavic under Trubetzkoy, also Sanskrit under Geiger). In 1938 escaped to the Netherlands, then 1939 to U.K. Soon employed by B.B.C. for Serbo-Croatian (1940-56) and continued his studies, 1947 British citizen. Ph.D. 1951 London. In 1956 returned to Vienna and worked for U.S. Embassy reading Serbo-Croatian newspapers. From 1962 Professor of Slavic Linguistics at University of Kansas. 1967 U.S. citizen. In 1988 retired and returned to Vienna. A specialist of Slavic.
Publications: Diss. on Old Chuch Slavonian phonology. Manuscript 1951.
– “The Indo-European Kinship Terminology”, ZfEthnol. 82, 1957, 121-138.
Der Einfluss des Altaischen auf die Entwicklung des Slavischen. Wb. 1997.
– Much on Slavic, also own poetry.
Sources: Utz Maas in ”Verfolgung und Auswanderung deutschsprachiger Sprachforscher 1933-1945” (database, with full account of his work); W. Pianka, Wiener slavistisches Jahrbuch 50, 2004, 235-237.