MAKAEV, Ènver Ahmedovič. Moscow 28.5.1916 — Moscow 31.3.2004. Russian IE and Germanic Linguist. Graduated from German department at Moscow 1937, taught there 1938-60. Kand. filol. nauk 1940. Dr. filol. nauk 1964 (diss. on German). In 1954-76 worked in German section of Linguistic Institute of Soviet Academy. Professor 1971.
Publications: Edited: Javlenija konca slova v germanskih jazykah. 2. M. 1962 and other works on Germanistics.
Problemy indoevropejskoj arealnoj lingvistiki. Lg. 1964.
– “Imennoe sklonenie v vedičeskom i v sanskrite”, Voprosy Jazykoznanija 13:6, 1964, 94-101; “Archaismen und Innovationen im Vedischen”, Kuiper Vol. 1968, 32-38.
Obščaja teorija sravnitel’nogo jazykoznanija. 205 p. M. 1977.
Sources: *; Russian Vikipedija.