BADER, Clarisse. Strasbourg 28.12.1840 — Paris 5/14.2.1902. Mlle. French Journalist and Pioneer of Women’s Study, also interested in India. Daughter of Alsatian army officer Daniel-Michel B. At the age of 20 she decided to write the history of the condition of women in human society, and started this task with India. Of course, she was a laywoman, and had to rely on translations and secondary sources, but her book has been widely read, and an English translation was still published a century later in India. She spent all her life in literary work, and has been described as intelligent and clever, but not a scholar. She wrote many historical studies, often concentrating on women.

Publications: La femme dans l’Inde antique. 578 p. P. 1864; English translation, 2nd ed. 356 p. Varanasi 1964.

Further volumes of the women’s history: La femme biblique. 8+471 p. P. 1866; La femme grecque. Étude de la vie antique. 1-2. P. 1872; La femme romaine. 1877; La femme française dans les temps modernes. 1883, 2nd ed. 574 p. P. 1885.

– Other works on history, often on women’s rôle in it.

Sources: J. Domergue, D.B.F. 4, 1948; French Wikipédia.