PIMENTA, Nicolaus. Santarém 6.12.1548 (1546?) — Goa 1614. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India. Joined Jesuits 1562. As Jesuit Visitor in India in December 1597 left Goa for Cochin, St. Thome and Bengal. His letters contain some interesting information about the princes of Kerala and Tamilnadu.

Publications: A few letters sent to the Jesuit General Claudius Aquaviva in 1598-99 publ. in 1601-02, then some by Purchas; also in French: Lettres du père Nicolas Pimenta. 114 p. P. 1602.

– Nova relatio historica de rebus in India Orientali à patribus Societatis Iesu, anno 1598. & 99. gestis. 200 p. Moguntiae (Mainz) 1601.

Sources: Oaten 1909, 95f.; M. B. Branco, Portugal e los estrangeiros. 2, 116 f.; born 1548 in wikidata, other sources 1546.