THOMSON, John Cockburn. London 1834 — Tenby, Pembrokeshire 26.5.1860. British Indologist. Son of the well known physician, Anthony Todd Thomson (1778–1849) and Katherine Byerley (1797–1862), an authoress, younger brother of —> H. B. Thomson. Studies at Bonn (under Lassen), Munich and in 1852-57 at Trinity College, Oxford (Wilson). B.A. 1857. In 1857 Boden Sanskrit Scholar, and 1860 candidate for Librarianship at Oxford, but drowned in Tenby River. His only work remained that Bhagavadgītā translation, which was then deemed excellent.

Publications: The Bhagavad-Ghita. Transl. in prose with notes. 1-2. Hertford 1855 (vol. 1. Text and glossary; 2. Translation and notes).

Sources: T.S[eccombe], D.N.B. 56, 1898, 246; photo in