WORTHAM, Biscoe Hale. Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire 1843 — Brentwood, Essex 23.9.1928. Rev. British Priest and Translator of Sanskrit Literature. Son of Biscoe Hill Wortham (1814–1895, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Cambridge) and Martha Lee. From 1863 studies at Trinity College, Oxford, B.A. 1868. Vicar of Shepreth, Hertfordshire, 1874-80, from 1880 Rector of Eggesford, Devon, then of English College in Bruges. Later Vicar of St.Margaret’s in Ware, in 1911 Rector of Dunton Waylett. Married 1871 Malvina (Mina) Browning (1841–1911), five daughters and three sons.

Publications: Translated: “Transl. of the Mârkaṇḍeya Purâṇa. Books VII.VIII.”, JRAS 13, 1881, 355-379; “Transl. of Books 81–93 of the Mârkaṇḍeya Purâṇa”, JRAS 17, 1885, 221-274 (= Devīmāhātmya); “The Story of Devasmitâ. Transl. from the Kathâ Sarit Sâgara, Tarânga 13, sloka 54”, JRAS 16, 1884, 1-12; “The Stories of Jîmûtavâhana, and of Hariśarman”, JRAS 18, 1886, 157-176 (from the Kathāsaritsāgara).

Translated: The Śatakas of Bhartrihari. 12+149 p. Trübner’s Or. Ser. L. 1886; Hitopadeśa, or, The Book of Good Counsel. 104+210 p. L. 1906; The enchanted Parrot, being a selection from the “Suka Saptati”. 127 p. L. 1911; The Buddhist Legend of Jīmūtavāhana, from the Kathā-sarit-sāgara (The ocean-river of story), dramatized in the Nāgānanda (The joy of the world of serpents), a Buddhist drama by Śrī Harsha Deva. 15+105 p. L. 1911 (includes also Somadeva’s version).

Sources: Briefly in Alumni Oxonienses (early career to 1886); ancestry.com; gw.geneanet.org.