SCHACHT, Hans. Gränichen, Aargau 21.3.1863 — 19??. Swiss Teacher interested in Sanskrit. Educated at Collège classique de Sion and Gymnase classique de Lausanne. Studies of classics (and Sanskrit?) at Berlin University. Ph.D. 1890 Berlin. After a while as private tutor in Łodz he taught in 1895-98 at Collège and École superieure des jeunes filles in Yverdon, in 1895-98 and in 1898-1912 at École normale cantonale in Lausanne. From 1912 at Gymnase classique de Lausanne. He was also PD of Sanskrit at Lausanne University in 1903-33, the first to teach Sanskrit there.

Publications: Diss. De Xenophontis studiis rhetoricis. 57 p. B. 1890.

Deutsche Stunden. Nouvelle méthode d’Allemand. Lausanne 1899 and many editions (6th 1912).

Transl. Indische Erzählungen. 232 p. Lausanne 1918 (from the Kathāsaritsāgara).

Sources: Schweiz. Zeitgenossenlexikon; often mentioned in Internet in connection of his writings, but no further details