BATE, John Drew. Plymouth 1836 — 26.1.1924. British Missionary, Priest, and Hindi Scholar. Educated at Regent’s Park College, London. Member of the Baptist Mission in India 1865-97. After a short time in Eastern Bengal, spent c. 30 years in Allahabad until his retirement in 1897. Then returned to England He participated in Bible translation and other missionary activities, according to contemporaries he was a learned scholar, but rarely cared to write on non-missionary subjects. In the early 1920s his dictionary was still a standard work. Married 1865 Beatrice Tagg, several childre
Publications: A Dictionary of the Hindee Language. 1-2. 805 p. Benares 1875, 2nd ed. Allahabad 1918; religious and missionary works.
Sources: G.A. Grierson, JRAS 1923, 330-332; neither in Who Was Who nor in Br. Biogr. Arch.;