STACHE-ROSEN, Valentina (née Rosen). Copenhagen 28.4.1925 — München-Grafing 20.10.1980. German Indologist. Daughter of Georg Rosen (1895–1961), a diplomat, and Agnes Klipfel (1905–1944), granddaughter of —> Fr. Rosen (1856–1935). In 1933-37 living in Beijing (then Peiping), then at school in Berlin, from 1942 in Arbeitsdienst. In 1944 started studies at Göttingen: Chinese, Sanskrit and English. In 1945-47 interpreter to British Ocuppation Forces, then continued studies under Waldschmidt. In 1950-52 studying at S.O.A.S. in London, now also archaeology. Ph.D. 1954 Göttingen. In 1955-57 further studies at Deccan College, Poona, then again at Göttingen working on Turfan Dictionary. In 1960 married with Wilfried Stache (1913–1983), following him as he was the Director of Goethe Institutes in Jakarta (1961-64), Karachi (1965-68), Tehran (1968-71) and Bangalore (1971-80). After retirement of Stache the family settled down in Munich, where she soon died of lever cancer. Their only child, Agnes Stache-Weiske (1962–2021), was also an Indologist.

As a student of Waldschmidt Stache-Rosen began as a Buddhist scholar. For a while the work of her husband took most of her time. In India in the 1970s she became interested in folklore and art history. Knowing well Chinese she helped Schlingloff with Chinese material.

Publications: Diss. 1955 publ. Der Vinayavibhaṅga zum Bhikṣuprātimokṣa der Sarvāstivādins. Sanskritfragmente nebst einer Analyse der chinesischen Übersetzung. 254 p. Sanskrittexte a. d. Turfanfunden 2. D.A.W., Veröff. d. Inst. f. Orientforschung 27. B. 1959.

Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im älteren Begriffsreihen im älteren Buddhismus. 2. Das Saṅgītisūtra und sein Kommentar Saṅgītisūtraparyāya. Nach Vorarbeiten von Kusum Mittal bearbeitet. 1-2. Sanskrittexte aus Turfanfunden 9. B. 1968.

– “Ganavarman. A comparative analysis of the biographies found in the Chinese Tripitaka”, Bull. of Tibetology 10, Gangtok 1973, 5-54; “The temptation of the Buddha”, Ibid. 12, 1975, 5-24.

– “Schattenspiele und Bildervorführungen, zwei Formen der religiösen Volksunterhaltung in Indien”, ZDMG 126, 1976, 136-148, English in QJMS 66, 1975, 43-55, rev. version “On the shadow theatre in India”, German Scholars on India 2, Bombay 1976, 276-285.

– “Gaṇḍabheruṇḍa. Zur Tradition des doppelköpfigen Vogels in Südindien”, Fs. Waldschmidt 1977, 489-510 & Abb. 129-151 (QJMS 67, 1976, 1-24); “Survival of some ancient forms of audiovisual education in present-day India”, Studies in Indo-Asian Art & Culture 5, 1977, 141-156; “A note on the so-called ‘Yoginī Temple of Coimbatore’”, QJMS 69, 1978, 48-53; “Tibetans in South India”, Gedenkschr. L. Alsdorf 1981, 261-281.

Bhūtas and Teyyams. Spirit worship and ritual dances in South Kanara and North Malabar. An Exhibition. 32 p. Bangalore 1978.

German Indologists. Biographies of scholars in Indian studies writing in German; with a summary on Indology in German speaking countries. 1981, 2nd ed. rev. by A. Stache-Weiske. 271 p. N. D. 1990.

Upāliparipṛcchāsūtra: ein Text zur buddhistischen Ordensdisziplin. Aus dem chinesischen übers. und den Pali-Parallelen gegenübergestellt. 120 p. AGAW 3. F. 140. Göttingen 1984.

Sources: Waldschmidt, ZDMG 132, 1982, 22-28 (with photo); D.G.K. 1980; biography added to her own German Indologists 2nd ed. 1990, 247f.; photo in Rau 133 (from ZDMG).