PUTJATA, Aleksej Dmitrievič. Smolensk gub. 13.1.1855 — Melbourne 16.12.1894. Russian Diplomat and former Student of Indology. Son of Dmitrij Aleksandrovič P. After studies worked in Ministry of Education and in 1885 entered diplomatic career as secretary at the Russian embassy in Bucharest, then for a while in Odessa. In 1893 sent to Australia as Russian Consul in Melbourne, arriving in January 1894. Died suddenly of a kidney trouble.
Publications: Translated from Sanskrit: Sakuntala, indejskaja drama. M. 1879.
– K teorii indoevropejskogo vokalizma. 198 p. M. 1881.
Sources: *http://alferovo.ru/bessonovo_adputyata.html with two photos; information kindly offered by Alexey Vigasin.