BORECKÝ, Miloš. Prague 28.12.1903 — Washington DC, U.S.A. 18.3.1954. Czech Oriental (Iranian) Scholar in the U.S.A. Son of —> J.B. and Františka Schöpffová. In 1922-30 studies of Indo-Iranian at Charles University of Prague under Lesný and Rypka, further studies at Sorbonne and Oxford. Ph.D. 1930 Prague. Worked as a librarian in Prague university library, in 1947 he made a study trip to Iran, after which in 1949 emigrated to the U.S.A. Now he got a place in Near East Section of Congres Library. Married Milka Pacovská, one son.

Publications: Diss. publ. as O jmenných vĕtách v památkách staroíránských (Sur les phrases nominales dans les vieux-iraniens). 165 p. Prague 1932.

– “Omar Chajjám a jeho čtyřverší”, Sborník světové poezie 1945, 103-160.

Sources: Prague diss. catal.; J. Martínek, Československý Biografický Slovník. Prague 1992 (now inÝ_Miloš_28.12.1903-18.3.1954, with photo); Bečka, Comm. Cyrus 1974, 387;