TILIANDER, Bror Fredrik. Karlshamn, Blekinge 17.4.1896 — Lund 9.10.1990. Swedish Missionary and Scholar of Indian Religion. Son of painter Gustaf Tiliander and Rosalie Tingström, school and studies in Lund. Fil. kand. 1922, teol. kand. and ordination 1925, fil. lic. 1949. Missionary in South India in 1925-60 working in Paramakudi, Madurai, Pudukkottai and Coimbatore, during leaves continued his studies in Sweden. Started Indology under H. Smith, later History of Religions under C.-M. Edsman. Ph.D. 1974 Uppsala. Married 1927 Betty Ulrika Mårtenson (1896– 1983), two daughters. In 1974 living in Lund.
Publications: Diss. Christian and Hindu Terminology. A Study of their Mutual Relations with special Reference to the Tamil Area. 311 p. Rel.hist. inst. skrifter 12. Uppsala 1974.
Sources: Life in Internet (no longer found in 2018/21/24, just many refrences to his diss.); stray notes in Internet under Tiliander, Bror.
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