VASIL’EV, Aleksej Ivanovič. St.Petersburg 1903 — Leningrad 6.11.1936. Russian Specialist of Sogdian. Son of a worker. Joined early the Communist Party and served as matros in 1921-26, in 1923 final school examination. After a while in a steam ship, in 1927-30 studies of Asian history at Leningrad University. 1930 aspirant, 1931 sotrudnik in Feodal Section of Academy of Material Culture. From 1934 naučnyj sotrudnik at Academy Oriental Institute in Leningrad. Arrested in June 1936, condemned and executed in November. Rehabilitated in 1957.
Publications: “Voprosi sovremennoj Persii”, Sbornik rabot studentov-vydvižencev, aspirantov i naučnyh rabotnikov, Leningradskij gos. istoriko-lingv. inst. Leningrad 1931, 20-32; “Sogdijskij zamok na gore Mug”, Sogdijskij sbornik 1934, 18-32.
– Kand. diss. Sogdijcy i ih vooruženie. Manuscript 1936.
Sources: Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003, 91; * (in Russian).
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