WAIT, William Henry

WAIT, William Henry. McConnell, Illinois 1854? — Ann Arbor 28.2.1939. U.S. Linguist and Germanist. Son of Nelson W. and Mary Catherine Root. Graduated B.A. 1879 from Northwestern University, A.M. there 1882. Ph.D. 1888 Allegheny. From 1883 taught at Illinois Wesleyan University. Further studies at Berlin and Bonn 1894-95. In 1895-1901 Instructor of Greek, Latin and Sanskrit at University of Michigan, later on taught German there as Professor of Modern Languages until retirement in 1925. Married 1888 Clara Widenham Hadley (1864–1925).

Publications: Wrote on Greek.

Sources: The University of Michigan. An Encyclopedic Survey. 2, 1951, 608f.; www.lib.umich.edu/faculty-history/faculty/william-henry-wait/memoir (years of birth and death missing, for them see genealogytrails.com/ill/stephenson/reunionmitty.html); good photo in commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_Henry_Wait.jpg.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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