WALSHE, Maurice O’Connell. London 22.12.1911 — 18.4.1998. British Germanist and Bauddha. Born of a family with Irish background. Studied German at University College, London (B.A. 1932, M.A. 1935), and at the universities of Berlin, Göttingen and Vienna, one year Lecturer at Freiburg i. Br. In 1937-39 Assistant Lecturer in German at University College, then taught Medieval German at University of Leeds, for a while in war service. From 1946 Reader of German at Nottingham University and from 1952 at Bedford College in London. In retirement Deputy Director of Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London, retired 1979.
Walshe became engaged in Buddhism and Buddhist studies from 1951. In retirement he prepared a Pāli dictionary, completed just before his death.
Publications: Buddhism for today. 143 p. L. 1962; Buddhism in brief: a survey of Buddhadhamma. 1970.
– Translated: Dīgha Nikāya. Thus I have heard: the long discourses of the Buddha. 648 p. L. 1987.
– A few articles on Buddhism, mainly in the Wheel.
– Three volumes on Meister Eckhart, a few further Germanistic publications, mainly on Middle High German.
Sources: https://obo.genaud.net/backmatter/gallery/walshe.htm with photo; J.L. Flood et al., German Life and Letters 52, 1999 (online); Payer’s Web-Materialien.
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