CARRÉ, Barthélémy. c. 1636 — after 1699. Abbé. French Traveller. Of Blois, educated by Jesuits, took religious career and was ordained. From 1662 served in the navy, apparently as chaplain, in Atlantic, Mediterranian and Levant. Sent by Colbert with F. Caron to Madagascar, they arrived at Surat in 1669. Carré soon left for France with Caron’s letter to Colbert, but was imprisoned in Bandar-Abbas. Released, he returned to Surat in 1670. After another unsuccesful attempt he returned to France in 1671 via Shiraz–Esfahan–Baghdad– Aleppo–Saida–Marseille. After meeting Colbert and the king he returned via Marseille–Alexandrette– Iran–Bandar-Abbas to Surat. From there visited Bijapur and Madras. In 1674 he again left Surat for France and arrived at Marseille in 1675. He is said to have been undiplomatic and difficult character and fell out of Colbert’s favour. Most of his diary remained long time a manuscript.
Publications: Voyages des Indes orientales mêlé de plusieurs histoires curieuses. 1-2. P. 1699 (first part of the journal of his first voyage).
– Travels of the Abbé Carré in India and the Near East 1672 to 1674. Translated from the manuscript Journal … by Lady Fawcett. 1-3. 56+24+23+984 p. Hakluyt Society 2nd Series 95-97. L. 1947-48.
– Barthélemy Carré, Le Courrier du Roi en Orient. Relations de deux voyages en Perse et en Inde. 1668-1674. Éd. par Dirk van der Cruysse. 1224 p. P. 2005.
Sources: F. Marouis, D.B.F. 7, 1956, 1224f.; *G. Servant, Les voyages de l’abbé Carré. 1911 (diss.); Wikipédia.
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