CHRISTOPHER, Willmott. 1??? — Multan, buried 9.10.1848. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant, in 1834-35 participated the British Admiralty Survey of the Maldives, with A. Young remained in there, when the ship returned and spent several weeks in Male. Beside other notes he collected the vocabulary which he then sent to John Wilson in Bombay (c. 1100 words, praised by Geiger). Later surveyed in East Africa and then served in the Indus flotilla of British Navy and surveyed Pañjāb rivers. He participated as Senior Lieutenant in the siege of Multan, but was wounded in its beginning on 7.9. and died soon.

Publications: With A. Young: “Memoir on the Inhabitants of the Maldiva Islands 1834–1835”, Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society from August 1838 to May 1839, 54–112.

– “Vocabulary of the Maldivian Language”, JRAS 6, 1841, 42-76 (with alphabet and a text).

– “Account of Adam’s Bridge, and Ramiseram Temple”, Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society 7, 1846, 130-138.

– “Report of an Experimental Voyage up the Indus and Sutledge”, Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society 8, 1849, 144-173; “Journal of Ascent of the River Chenab”, Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society 8,1849,  236-248.

Sources: C.R. Low, The History of the Indian Navy (1613-1863). 2. 1877, Repr. 2012, 219ff.

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