CLARKSON, William. Salisbury 1817 — 1897. Rev. British Missionary of London Missionary Society in Gujarat in 1839-48. Returned to England and became minister at Folkestone. Apparently there was another W.Cl., a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, also in Gujarat, but in the second half of the 19th century. It is not always clear, to which one the books given here belong. R.H.S. Boyd, An Outline History of Gujarati Theological Literature. p. 49 (in states that W.C. retired from India in poor health in 1854.

Publications: A Grammar of the Gujarátí Language. 2+175 p. Bombay 1847 (for the use of missionaries).

Participated in the translation of the New Testament in Gujarātī, publ. 1867, wrote religious texts in Gujarātī.

Mission texts in English, e.g. Missionary Encouragements in Western India. 6+138 p. L. 1850 and India and the Gospel; or, An Empire for the Messiah. 1850, 3rd ed. 330 p. L. 1851.

Sources: B.H. Badley, Indian missionary directory and memorial volume. 1886, 39; stray notes in Internet.

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