COGNI, Giulio

COGNI, Giulio. Siena 10.1.1908 — 15.11.1983. Italian Author and Composer interested in religions, parapsychology and like. Living in Siena. In the 1930s he was a fascist and racial theoretician. He taught psychology and musical aesthetics at the Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini in Florence.

Publications: Il Razzismo. 245 p. Milano 1936 and other works, also much on music.

– “Un raro testo buddhista: il Manicūḍāvadāna”, IT 3-4, 1975-76, 145-163.

Bhagavadgita, il canto del beato. 112 p. Rome 1980.

Ahamannam: io sono cibo: essere universale di tutte le forme: dalla Taittirya Upanishad all’eucaristia. 120 p. Rome 1982.

Sources: Bibliography in Io sono Te. Ceschina 1970; Wikipedia (further details in Italian version).

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