BROWN, John Coggin. West Auckland, co. Durham ?.10.1884 — 23.6.1963. British Geologist in India and Burma. Son of George Richard Brown and Eliza Bedlington. Educated at King James I School and Armstrong College of University of Durham. Graduated 1904 in geology and chemistry. In 1905 to India as Assistant Superintendent in the Geological Survey of India. Worked in Western Himalaya, Northern Shan States (Burma), Yunnan (China). From 1913 Curator in Geological Survey and Lecturer at Presidency College and Calcutta University. During WW I worked as Mine Inspector in Burma, 1919-21 Mineral Advisor in London, 1922-32 Superintendent of the Burma Party of the Geological Survey of India, in Calcutta. In retirement lived in Surrey. Married with Mary Braithwaite.
Publications: Catalogue Raisonne of the Prehistoric Antiquities in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 155 p. 10 pl. Calcutta 1917.
– Books and articles on geology and mineralogy.
Sources:; parents and wife in
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