CROFTON, Henry Thomas

CROFTON, Henry Thomas. Preston, Lancashire 23.7.1848 — Berkshire 17.4.1928. British Gipsy Scholar. Born of an Anglo-Irish family, son of General J. F. Crofton and Anne Agnes Addison. Educated at Cheltenham College. Solicitor in Manchester. President of Gypsy Lore Society in 1908-09. Married 1871 Martha Pilling, one son, three daughters.

Publications: With B. C. Smart; The Dialect of the English Gypsies. 2nd rev. & enl. ed. 23+302 p. L. 1875 (first ed. by Smart alone, 1863).

Articles in JGLS, etc.; also wrote on local and family history.

Sources:; not in D.I.B.

Last Updated on 11 months by Admin


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