DAY, Charles Russell

DAY, Charles Russell. Eton, Buckinghamshire ?.4.1860 — Paardeberg, South Africa 18.2.1900. British Colonial Officer. Son of Rev. Russell Day, a Rector, and Maria Isabella Knowlys. Educated at Etona, joined the army in 1880. In 1882 joined Oxfordshire Light Infantry and soon left for India, where he used his free time sudying music. After five years sent home because of an injury. Organized the instrument exhibition in 1890 in Chelsea. Major 1899. He was fatally wounded in South Africa in a battle with Boers and succumbed to it. Married 1892 Katherine L. Scott-Chad, at least one daughter.

Publications: With D. J. Blaikley: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Musical Instruments recently exhibited at the Royal Military Exhibition. 9+262 p. L. 1890; articles on music.

Music and Musical Instruments of Southern India and the Deccan. 18+174 p. ill. L. 1891; “Notes on Indian Music”, Proc. of the Musical Association 20, 1893-94, 45-65.

– “Chapter on Native Musical Instruments” in A. F. Mockler, Up the Niger. Narrative of Major Claude Macdonald’s mission to the Niger and Benue rivers, West Africa. L. 1892.

Sources: B. Zon, a note in M.J. Franklin (ed.), Romantic Representations of British India. Oxford 2006, 216f.;;

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