ČOP, Bojan. Ljubljana 23.5.1923 — Ljubljana 3.8.1994. Yugoslavian/Slovenian IE Linguist and Scholar of Tocharian. Son of Josip Čop and Ursula Potočnik, educated in Ljubljana. In 1942-43 interned in Italy. In 1941-47 studied classics and IE linguistics at Ljubljana. From 1949 Assistant in Classics at Ljubljana, 1951 moved to IE, from 1958 the successor of —> K. Oštir there, from 1972 full Professor of Comparative IE linguistics, retired 1990. Ph.D. 1970 Ljubljana. Married Marjeta Gašperšič, one child. He introduced laryngeal theory at Ljubljana and was i.al. interested in Hittite and in Indo-Uralic theory.
Publications: “Beiträge zur idg. Wortforschung”, KZ 74, 1956, 225-232; “Beiträge zur indogermanischen Wortforschung. II”, Die Sprache 3, 1957, 135-149; “Beiträge… III”, Die Sprache 6, 1960, 1-8; other IE studies, also in Slovenian.
– “Die indouralische Sprachverwandtschaft und die indogermanische Laryngaltheorie”, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Razred za filoloske in literarne vede 7:7, 1970, 185-246.
– Indogermanica minora: Sur les langues anatoliennes. 146 p. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Razred za filoloske in literarne vede 8. Ljubljana 1971.
– Indouralica. 1. 120 p. Slov. akad. zn. in umetn., Razred za fil. in lit. vede 30:1. Ljubljana 1974, many further parts (17 in 1990).
– Die indogermanische Deklination im Lichte der indouralischen vergleichenden Grammatik. 133 p. Slov. akad. zn. in umetn., Razred za fil. in lit. vede 31. Ljubljana 1975.
– Miscellanea Tocharologica. 1. 103 p. Ljubljana 1975.
– Studien im tocharischen Auslaut. 243 p. Ljubljana 1975.
Sources: M. Furlanin www.slovenska-biografija.si/oseba/sbi1022750/ (long article from which only some details were taken); Wikipedia; *Bojan Čop septuagenario in honorem oblata. Linguistica 33. Ljubljana 1993 (Festschrift with bibliography); works in katalog.ub.uni-heidelberg.de; marriage in myheritage.com.
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