COLE, Robert Andrews

COLE, Robert Andrews. Madras 1835 — 1907. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Major Robert Wynne Cole, an army doctor. Educated in Madras. As a young Captain he served as Superintendent in Coorg in 1866-69 (with two intervals). Later Colonel in Madras Staff Corps. Retired as Major-General and spent his last years in England. Married 1856 Pauline McCally (d. 186?), five children. He wrote the very first grammar of the Dravidian Koḍagu language.

Publications: “Memorandum on certain Copper Grants found during the settlement of the Ináms in the Malnád or the Hill-tracts of the Nagar division”, ProcASB 1872, 193f.; notes on cromlechs in South India in ProcASB 1868-69.

An elementary grammar of the Coorg Language. 136 p. Bangalore 1867.

A Manual of Coorg Civil Law. 19+129 p. Bangalore 1871.

Sources: C.P. Belliappa in the Star of Mysore 19.2.2019; with photo;

Last Updated on 3 years by Admin


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