DROESE, Ernest (Ernst Dröse)

DROESE, Ernest (Ernst Dröse). Thorn (now Toruń in Poland) 12.7.1817 — Landour, Uttarkhand 19.4.1891. Rev. German Missionary in India. He began as apprentice silversmith, but soon turned to missionary career and entered the seminary of Berlin Mission and was sent to India in 1842. Worked in Benares and Ghazipur. In 1849 joined Church Missionary Society and was stationed in Bhagalpur, remaining there 36 years. In 1888 retired to Mussoorie. Married with Johanna Schubert, children.

Publications: Introduction to the Malto Language. 231 p. Agra 1884.

Translated parts of the New Testament and Psalms in Malto.

Sources: https://surendrantitus.wordpress.com/pioneer-of-christian-witnesses-among-malto-tribe-rev-ernst-droese/; German Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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