FINZI, Felice

FINZI, Felice. Correggio (Reggio Emilia) 1847 — Florence 3.9.1872. Italian (Jewish) Ethnologist and Assyriologist. Studies of law at Bologna, dr.iuris c. 1867. From 1869 libero docente di assiriologia at Regio Istituto di Studii Superiori in Florence. Knew also Hebrew and Sanskrit. Married, two sons. Together with Paolo Mantegazza he founded the magazine Archivio per l’Antropologia e l’Etnologia.

Publications: “Il Brahuî. Studio di etnologia linguistica”, Bollettino della Societá geographica Italiana 5:1, 1870, 132-147 (entirely based on Leech); review of “An old Pahlavi-Pazand Glossary. Edited with an Alphebetical [sic] Index by Destur Hoshangji Jamaspji Asa; Revised and Enlarged with an Introductory Essay on the Pahlavi Language, by Martin Haug. Published by order of the Government of Bombay. Stuttgart 1870”, Rivista Europea 1870, 3-6.

Ricerche per lo studio dell’antichità assira. 589 p. Turin 1872; a few further writings.

Sources: G.P. Basello, “Elam between Assyriology and Iranian Studies”, Melammu Symposia 4, 2004, 1-40 (12f. on Finzi); De Gubernatis 1876, 426; briefly in Treccani.

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