GEORGIEV, Vladimir I.

GEORGIEV, Vladimir Ivanov. Gabare near Byala Slatina 3. or 6.2.1908 — Sofia 14.7.1986. Bulgarian IE Linguist and Specialist of Balkan (especially Thracian and Illyrian) and Anatolian Languages. Studied classics and IE (under Mladenov) at Sofia in 1926-30, further studies at Vienna 1933-34, Berlin 1935-36, Florence 1939-40 and Paris 1946-47. Ph.D. 1934 Vienna. From 1931 taught, from 1945 as full Professor of IE and General Linguistics at Sofia University, from 1948 also Head of Department of Linguistics. Emeritus 1974. He located the IE homeland between the Rhine and Don and tried to establish a relation between Etruscan and Hittite.

Publications: Diss. Das Verbot im Griechischen, Lateinischen, Altbulgarischen, Altindischen und der sogen. Injunktiv. Manuscript, Vienna 1934, publ. in Annuaire de l’Univ. de Sofia 31:4, 1934.

Issledovanija po sravitel’no-istoričeskomu jazykoznaniju. 317 p. M. 1958.

Hethitisch und Etruskisch: die hethitische Herkunft der etruskischen Sprache. 70 p. Sofia 1962.

Introduzione alla storia delle lingue indoeuropee. 6+477 p. Rome 1966; Introduction to the history of the Indo-European languages. 423 p. Sofia 1981.

Articles and studies on Balkan linguistics, on Greek and on Slavic.

Sources: V. Koseska-Toszewa, Lex. gramm. 1996, 335f.; *Fs. in Bulgarian, Sofia 1980 with photo (also in TITUS Galeria); Wikipedia.

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