GILBERTSON, George Waters. 1860 — 23.6.1941. British Colonial Officer in India. Apparently served in north-western border regions. Retired as Major and settled in Surrey. Married Ada Price, five children.
Publications: Edited: The Assembly of Mirth. A Literal Translation into English of the Sabhá Bilása, one of the Degree of Honour Hindi Text-books. 446 p. Benares 1900 (S.B. by Lallū Lāl).
– With Munshí Jawáhir Singh: First Pakkhtoo book, a short guide intended to facilitate conversing with fluency and composing with accuracy in the only language spoken and understood throughout the length and breadth of the north-west frontier of India. 351 p. Benares 1901.
– Assisted by Haddiání Gháno Khán: The Balochi language, a grammar and manual. 16+312 p. Hertford 1923; English-Balochí colloquial dictionary. 1-2. Hertford 1925.
– Assisted by Yúsufzai Árif Ullah, Afrídí Makhmúd and Qandahárí Alí Akbar Khán: The Pakkhto Idiom: A Dictionary. 1-2. Hertford 1932.
Sources: Works in; a few stray notes in Internet.
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