GOIDSENHOVEN, Jacques P. van

GOIDSENHOVEN, Jacques P. van. 4.7.1932 (?) — 23.11.1971. Belgian Art Historian. But birth year seems to be wrong, he was already publishing in 1936 and worked then in Musées royaux d’Art et d‘Histoire.

In an e-mail 19.11.2021 Claudine Bautze-Picron informs me that J. P. van G. of the 1954 publication was in fact Jules Pierre van G., probably the father of Jacques (and also responsible of the work about Chinese ceramics in 1936). Thus birth in 1932 seems confirmed. Both father and son were also collectors of Chinese and Tibetan art. The elder J. P. van G. was son of Jules van G. (b. 1889), also interested in Chinese art.

Publications: “Iconographie lamaïque d’après un Thanka de la collection Adolphe Stoclet”, Bulletin de la Société royale belge d’Anthopologie 1954, 203-218.

Art lamaique, art des dieux. 285 p. 36 pl. Bruxelles 1970.

Books on Chinese art.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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