GACHET, Benjamin

GACHET, Benjamin. Lille 1839 — 1???. French Linguist. In 1871 he was a repetiteur at the É.P.H.É. In some sources called Brachet.

Publications: “Les missionnaires dans l’Inde actuelle”, La Libre Conscience 6.11. & 13.11.1869.

Prières antèhistoriques. Œuvres de Koutsa et Hirayastoupa. Trad. du sanscrit védique en vers fr. et accompagnées de notes sur la religion védique. 47+315 p. P. 1870.

Sources: Neither in Librairie française nor in Arch. biogr. franç. (but Auguste Br., 1844–, a Romance linguist). Maxime Ravel has found out that calls him Gachet. After a long search I could note that Gachet is also used by F. Nève in 1883 (Les époques littéraires de l’Inde. Bruxelles & P. 1883, 57) and this seems to confirm the case. In a new message 2.10.2020 he points out that Catalogue général de la librairie française 1866-1875, 539 gives his birth (death still remains unknown).

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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