GOLDSMID, Frederic John

GOLDSMID, Frederic John. Milano 19.5.1818 — Brook Green, Hammersmith (London) 12.1.1908. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Major-General. Son of Lionel Prager G., an officer, and Eliza Frances Campbell. Educated in Paris, at King’s College School and King’s College in London, entered Madras army in 1839. Military service in China (1840), India and Crimea (1855). In 1865-70 Director General of Indo-European Telegraph superintending the erection of the line. In 1871 Commissioner delineating the Baluch-Persian frontier, in 1872 the Afghan-Persian frontier in Seistan. Then returned to the U.K., but held still several important missions. Knighted 1871. Married 1849 Mary Steuart (1822–1900), four daughters and two sons. Knew several Asian languages.

Publications: Sâswî and Punhû, a Poem in the original Sindhi, with a Metrical Translation in English. L. 1863.

– “On the Preservation of National Literature in the East. Example: The Sindi Legendary Poem of Sáswí and Punhú”, JRAS N.S. 1, 1865, 29-41.

– Telegraph and Travel. A Narrative of the Formation and Development of Telegraphic Communication Between England and India. 14+673 p. L. 1874. James Outram: a biography. 1. 20+434 p. 1880.

Sources: Wikipedia; family details in

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