HAWKES, Henry Philip. 1834 — St.Ives, Cornwall 1900. British Colonial Officer in India. From 1850 Cadet in MadrasArmy, 1855 Lieutenant. Colonel (1886) and finally 1894 Lieutenant-General. Married 1855 Louisa Mary Shepherd (1836–1895), two daughters and two sons, and 1897 Sarah Anne Dewrance (1856–1932).
Publications: Brief Sketch of the Gold, Silver, and Copper Coinage of Mysore. 35 p. Bangalore 1856.
– “Memorandum of the Fort and Hindu Temple at Vellore and others in its neighbourhood, as recorded in A. D. 1815”, MJLS 20 (N.S. 4), 1858-59, 274-278, map.
– Photography in a nutshell. 2nd ed. 1891, new ed. 10+155 p. 8 pl. L. 1900.
Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet.
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