HEAD, Barclay Vincent. Ipswich, Suffolk 2.1.1844 — London 12.6.1914. British Numismatist. From 1864 working in British Museum, soon (1870) as Keeper of the Department of Coins and Medals. Retired in 1906. Married with Mary, at least one daughter.
Publications: Edited a number of coin catalogues of British Museum, wrote on Greek numismatics.
– “The Earliest Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian Coins”, NC 4:6, 1906, 1-16.
Sources: E.B., NC 4:14, 1914, 249-255 with photo; *G.F.H., D.N.B. 1912-21, 246; *Revue numismatique 4:18, 1914, 519-522; Wikipedia with very brief text, rather full bibliography and photo.
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